Somethings to pin point:-
1. Sometimes the problem is not in the program but the is the logic.
2. For Loop command it is best to clear or reinitialized the attribute or variable
3. For the debug mode there is a table option key into it and see the result. The data inside could be helpful. "syst"
4. Always press F1 for more information. From that you can go SE37 to get more technical help F1 AGAIN!
5. The system example is the best (This is what i notice from doing BAdi)
6. Sometimes only the new debugger will work for newer type of programs.
7. There are many ways to test a program.
a. Front-End = Portal - Applicant And Approval
b. Back-End = Admind running a program or using APPcreate
8. ALWAYS DOUBLE CLICK. Into those area that you do not know.
9. Look for keywords. If you are changing a area try see modiy. Or if you are changing an area it could be some place which have specific name.
PS : i could be wrong so please advised Thanks in advance ^_^