Thursday, July 29, 2010

PMS Template disabling header access and controlling pms dates

How to disable the header for the template so that user cant change:-
1. supervisor
2. validity date

goto se19
-> HRHAP00_ACC_HEADER (make a new badi base on this ie zhrap00_acc_header)
double click on GET_HEADER_ACCESS
S_HEADER_CUST_DISPLAY-APPRAISER = ' '. " to prevent user from changing the supervisor
S_HEADER_CUST_DISPLAY-VALIDITY_PERIOD = ' '. "to disable user from changing the dates

-> HRHAP00_DOC_DEF_DV (make a new badi base on this ie zHRHAP00_DOC_DEF_DV)
double click on DEFAULT_PERIOD

* changing default date to appraisal period
BEGDA+4(4) = '0201'."february 01
ENDDA+4(4) = '0630'."june 30
ENDDA+0(4) = SY-DATUM+0(4) + 1. "adding current year

* set exporting data

* note do remember you need to add the badi into sm34 so that the badi is shown under further template behaviour.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Customizing BSP application MVC model

Model View Controller for BSP

Summary = Difficulties in making a customizing BSP those with controllers and views

Program (se80) - BSP_CUSTOMIZE
1. using the above programs copy the preferred BSP app and select the views inside.
2. Goto the customized BSP from the above copied BSP app and manually copy the controllers one by one.
3. Activate the BSP. The program will update the table below

Reffered Table - bsp_applc
This table takes the standard BSP and tricking the system to use the customized BSP

source sites discovered by Ilman Reza

PS:/ This is a layman way of explaining there could be mistakes. For more technical understanding or further understanding please refer to the link provided by my colleague.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to delete an object in transport SE10 - transport organizer

SE10 - transport organizer
SE03 - transport organizer tools

Ever included a wrong object into a wrong transport number.
Have no fear there is a solution.

When ever you tried to delete the transport object inside it will shows that the object is locked.
Solution : -
Goto SE03
select unlock objects ( expert tools ) 
keyin the "Request/Task"
select Unlock object list (though not recommended)
select transport of copies (recommended)

Well the guides or help as below

Short text

Unlock Objects (Expert Tool)


Use this program to unlock a request or task.

Normally, all objects in the request are unlocked, and its status is set to
Modifiable. If the request has already been released, it keeps the
status Released.

Use the function Create versions of the objects to create versions of
all the objects when you unlock a change request, so that you can document their
current version.

Use the function Set to 'Released' to set the request to
Released automatically when you unlock it. You can then no longer use
this request.

Use the function Create transport of copies to create a new transport
of copies when you unlock change requests, and copy the object list of the
request to the transport.


To unlock a request, you need the administration authorization in the
Transport Organizer. To display the log, you only need display


Unlock requests/tasks in exceptional cases only. This activity is logged. To
display the log, choose Log.

PHAP_ADMiND_PA : How to populate the "further template behaviour"

sap further template behaviour not showing any descriptions.
Recently we were given a task to make a BaDi and use inside the template however we encountered the question how to "CONFIG" to link it.
So this is the steps
1. Create BaDi(tcode se19) (make sure you copy the enhancement name"
2. OOHAP_CATEGORY - populate the enhancement name
3. OOHAP_BASIC - populate the enhancement name

As simple as that.

PS: do forgive me for my short entry due to work and time restriction

Monday, July 5, 2010

su01 - all access

Additional notes :
You can have a portal user to access r/3
by giving it access SAPALL

sm04 - user list

With this transaction you can kill user.
As i ending their session. http or r/3.