Which supposed to show notes.
How does the button proceed to read from the table? below are the sample coding
"get exercise informationsDATA: whatevervalue type char255, whatevervalue1 type char255.
DATA lo_nd_ess_profile TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node. "READING NODES
DATA lo_el_ess_profile TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element"READING NODES
DATA ls_ess_profile TYPE wd_this->Element_ess_profile."READING NODES
"The nodes referred named ess_profile
" Set Lead Selection on user selected row
" (the row where user clicked the Exercise button on)
"Getting the current node valuelo_nd_ess_profile = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_ess_profile ).
lo_el_ess_profile = wdevent->get_context_element( name = 'CONTEXT_ELEMENT' ).
lo_nd_ess_profile->set_lead_selection( element = lo_el_ess_profile ).
static_attributes = ls_ess_profile ).
whatevervalue = ls_ess_profile-endda.
whatevervalue2 = ls_ess_profile-begda