Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Note: Changing payslip in portal

source : http://forums.sdn.sap.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1909760&tstart=15#10075902
You need to make a new form using smartforms and put it in EDPDF .

1. HRFOR - This feature decides whether to use HRFORMS or CEDT forms
(configured in PE51) for the payslip. If HRFORMS, the name of HRFORM has
to be mentioned here. If PE51 needs to be used then $CEDT$ should be

2. EDTIN - This should hold the value of the variant to be executed in
the CEDT program (payslip program). The variant should be proper with
the with the correct CEDT (payslip) form name and other parameters.

3. EDPDF - The name of the smartform (standard smartform
HR_ESS_PAYSLIP_TO_PDF or customer specific form) used to show the output
in the ESS.

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